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Writer: Sherlyn LawSherlyn Law

Updated: Feb 28, 2022

Hi Yogis,

It's Sherlyn here. With the recent uproar and split opinions about the Covid-19 Vaccination, I feel the need to share a few words about my stance and Yoga Cave's position on this topic.

Firstly, I'd like to declare that I am not a medical profession. It is not my intent here to share medical advice, but rather my personal opinion on this social issue. I would encourage that you speak to your doctors if you are seeking medical information.

Am I vaccinated or not? Yes, I am. I have chosen to be vaccinated because of my existing medical issue. Because of my severe Asthma, I know that if I ever caught Covid-19, my chance of beating the virus is significantly lower.

If you have ever attended my class, you would know my favourite saying: "It's your body, your yoga".

The same applies to my stance on Covid Vaccination topic.

It's your body, your choice.

I personally have no issues with you choosing to be vaccinated or not. That's your choice, and I sincerely respect your decision. No matter which you choose.

To be open and honest, my fundamental value conflicts with the current "mandate" imposed by the Victoria Government.

It breaks my heart.

I believe Yoga is for ALL. The word yoga itself means union!

But the reality is, Yoga Cave is a business operating in Victoria and has a legal obligation to follow the rules set by the government.

Also, we are a new business, officially opened in November 2020. Being a newly established small business, enduring six lockdowns and with more days spent in lockdown than being open, we find ourselves bearing a huge financial strain. As a business, we can't endure being closed any longer.

That's why, we have made the decision to reopen Yoga Cave. Just like how I would offer options in a Yoga class, I'd like to offer some options here for those of you who have chosen to not be vaccinated, or are awaiting second dose:

  • Continue practicing with us online via Zoom or via our recorded classes on Yoga Cave on-demand library. All our classes will be live streamed. If you are on a $35 per week membership, we are happy to reduce your membership fees to $15.90 per week, to reflect the price of our online membership.

  • Extend the suspension on your membership. We are willing to suspend your membership if you need a little longer. You are welcome to email to request for suspension, no explanation needed.

If you are affected by this, I want to offer a sincere apology. I am so sorry that I can't invite you to the physical studio just yet. My heart aches for saying this. I hope one day soon, we can practice again together. I see the light in you.

With love,


Yoga Teacher, Life Coach and Founder of Yoga Cave



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